Cinema Distribution

Cinema Distribution

With a rich history of cinematic distribution, we have a deep understanding of the movie industry. We are dedicated to bringing the best movies to your local theaters and ensuring they reach the widest audience possible.

In the world of cinema distribution, multiple roles come together to ensure that audiences get to enjoy the magic of the silver screen.

We, at Kiriti Entertainments, take on the vital responsibility of distributing Telugu films in an efficient and strategic manner. Our approach to film distribution is rooted in a deep understanding of the industry, careful planning, and a dedication to the success of every movie we handle.

Our involvement often begins with securing distribution rights for Tollywood movies. In many cases, we acquire these rights well before the film's release, collaborating closely with producers to ensure a successful rollout.

In situations where no exhibitors are willing to showcase a film, particularly for lesser-known movies or those featuring new talent, we take the initiative to screen the film in the respective town or village. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the success of each project we handle.

Furthermore, when there are no distributors willing to take on a film, we may even assume the role of the distributor. This ensures that the movie reaches the audience it truly deserves, further showcasing our dedication to the Telugu film industry.

At Kiriti Entertainments, we are more than just distributors; we are integral partners in the journey of bringing captivating Telugu films to the big screen. We strive to ensure that the magic of cinema reaches audiences far and wide, creating memorable and immersive cinematic experiences.

we operate in key distribution areas

At Kiriti Entertainments, we specialize in cinema distribution, serving the vibrant Telugu film industry, often referred to as Tollywood. We understand that the success of a film hinges on effective distribution, and we excel in this crucial aspect. Our services are designed to ensure that Telugu, English, and Hindi films reach their widest audience,


Covering all districts in Telangana, Nizam is a pivotal region for Telugu, Hind & English cinema distribution. We meticulously plan and execute strategies to ensure that Nizam audiences have access to the latest and most exciting Tollywood releases.


Encompassing Bellary, Kadapa, Anantapur, parts of Davanagere, and Kurnool, Ceded is another vital area for us. We work diligently to make sure that audiences in these regions get the opportunity to enjoy the finest Telugu, Hind & English films.


Our reach extends to all districts in Andhra Pradesh, offering comprehensive distribution services. We aim to make Telugu, Hind & English movies accessible to a broad Telugu-speaking audience in this region.

Marathwada and Karnataka

Our area of operations includes various districts such as Aurangabad, Jalna, Nanded, Parbhani, Beed, Osmanabad, Latur, Hingoli, Raichur, Bidar, Gulbarga, and Kopal.